Friday 26 March 2010

First Meeting with Supervisor

Today (26th March 2010) I met my extended project coordinator (Ms caroussis)
She suggested that my title should be changed to "How has random been proved to exist?", as with my previous title, I will have to prove myself why it does or doesnt exist, which will be difficult. She also recommended that I research quantum physics as that is based on complete randomness. Also told me to look at Feynman's theory, and possibly buy the book "Introduction to random time and quantum randomness"


"The mathematical theory of probability arose from attempts to formulate mathematical descriptions of chance events, originally in the context of gambling, but later in connection with physics. Statistics is used to infer the underlying probability distribution of a collection of empirical observations. For the purposes of simulation, it is necessary to have a large supply of random numbers or means to generate them on demand."

"Randomness versus unpredictability.

Randomness, as opposed to unpredictability, is held to be an objective property -determinists believe it is an objective fact that randomness does not in fact exist. Also, what appears random to one observer may not appear random to another."

"Closely connected, therefore, with the concepts of chance, probability, and information entropy, randomness implies a lack of predictability. More formally, in statistics, a random process is a repeating process whose outcomes follow no describable deterministic pattern, but follow a probability distribution, such that the relative probability of the occurrence of each outcome can be approximated or calculated. For example, the rolling of a fair six-sided die in neutral conditions may be said to produce random results, because one cannot compute, before a roll, what number will show up. However, the probability of rolling any one of the six rollable numbers can be calculated, assuming that each is equally likely."

6th March 2010

The oxford english dictionary defines random thus
"having no definite aim or purpose; not sent or guided in a particular direction; mad, done, occuring etc. without method or conscious choice; haphazard"

4th March 2010

Found a few quotes related to my chosen topic:
"God does not play dice" - Einstein

"If you apply reason and logic to this career of mine, you're not going to get very far. You simply won't. The journey has been incredible from it beginning. So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness" - Sidney Poitier, born February 20, 1927, a Bahamian-American actor, film director and author.

First Thoughts

I have decided that my extended project will be a dissertation with the title "Does random really exist in our world?" I chose this because I would like to study maths at university and it will help me to some extra reading around the subject. I do not know much about this topic and would really like to learn more.