Wednesday 30 June 2010

Extended Project Introduction

Today Mr Wright held a meeting for all students taking part in the Extended project. We were given a handbook to help us through the next six months. The main theme of the day was Project Management.
I learnt about the Assessment Objectives and exactly what I need to do in order to obtain a high grade in my project. Also, I have learnt that the most important element in the Extended Project will be my progress and what skills I will have acheived by the end of this. Although I have a rough idea of what my project will be about, I don't know where my research will take me. In a way this is good because I will definitely show progress as I learn more and more about my topic.
I was happy to find out that a lot of elements used in Project Management are things I already know about, such as Gantt charts and precedence tables. Hopefully this will help me manage time well as I have experience in using these.
I will have a lot of research to do and it was very useful to be reminded that the most effective way of getting work done is by breaking tasks down into manageable chunks.
Overall, I feel much more confident that I will be able to successfully complete the Extended Project due to today's guidance.

Towards the end of the day, I had a meeting with my supervisor. Before the meeting,I was concerned about whether I project was too ambitious. Also, I needed to find more sources and have a rough idea of where my project will take me, which I don't. In the meeting, we discussed where to loook for sources and what needs to be done by the 21st of July. I also need to keep track of the sources I will use so I can put them in the Bibliography. My targets are to go to university open days and talk to mathematicians about my project. Also, I need to have a clear idea of the skills that I will gain. I need to also create a GANTT chart.

Relevant sources.

On Friday the 18th of June, I went to the Manchester University Open Day. I spoke to a maths professor (whose name I do not know) about my Extended Project idea. He suggested that I read these books:
Reckoning with Risk - Gerd Gigerenzer

Chance - Amir Aczel

John Polkinghorne - Quantum Theory: A very Short Introduction