Monday 6 December 2010

Almost the end

I've nearly finished writing my dissertation. Today I looked at the feedback sheets that the audience gave me after my presentation and discussed the results. I have tried to evaluate my sources throughout the project but I need to conclude all my reseach (this will probably be a part of my evaluation instead of a separate section).
Write up a report type document evaluating the whole project - pros and cons, things I could have improvedon etc.
I need to print out all of my GANTT charts and a bibliography/webliography (is webliography a word?)
And I think that might be it!!'s been hard work but I'm so glad I did this project. I'll miss blogging every other day.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Evaluation of Does God Play Dice?

Does God Play Dice? by Ian Stewart is a book that discusses the mathematics of chaos. He was professor of mathematics at the University of Warwick, so I knew that the book would be reliable to useful to my project.

I found the book helpful because Ian Stewart talks about Chaos in a way that allowed me to have a clearer understanding of it. I also learnt about the connection between Quantum Theory and Chaos Theory and so, I now have more evidence to support the argument of randomness existing in the world.

6 days to go

I have 6 days until all my work must be submitted and I think that I'm going to abandon my GANTT chart. The GANTT chart has helped me alot during this whole project, but now I'm just going to list the remaining things that I need to do...and do them!

Write Chaos/Quantum Theory section
Write Unpredictability section
Conclude all remaining sources
Conclude my research
Write up the the audience's evaluations of my presentation
Proof read/correct any parts of dissertation