Saturday 24 July 2010

Obstacles that I have come across

Firstly, I am not even halfway through Chance which is my first book to help me with my project. The next book that I am going to read (Chaos) is much longer than Chance, and so I will definitely not finish reading that in a week, which is what I had put in the GANTT chart. Chaos and Chance are the only books that I've actually managed to buy at the moment, and I was meant to buy all of my books last week. Luckily, I can get them for cheap prices on, and will hopefully do that soon.

Secondly, I feel as though I don't really know what I am doing. Obviously, I know that I'm looking for relevant sources to help me with my dissertation, but I have no idea of the stucture of my dissertation and what I actually want to include in it. At the moment, I feel as though I am working hard on this project, but I can't tell if the work is going to be useful to my dissertation.

Furthermore, as time goes on, I am beginning to realise how little time I have to complete this project. Most of the activities on my GANTT chart are to help me learn more about this project and get a large variety of helpful sources. I hope that by the end of this summer, I have enough information to know what my dissertation will consist of.

In conclusion, I guess the solutions to these problems and concerns could be to just keep going with hope that at some point, I will understand exactly what I want my dissertation to be like. Also, I think that my GANTT chart needs to be adapted as it does not seem very realistic at the moment.

Apart from these obstacles, I guess everything is going okay!

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