Thursday 22 July 2010


This is 400 word (418 to be exact) proposal on my extended project.

The working title of my extended project is going to be "An Investigation into whether pure randomness exists". I will explore many different arguments and opinions, and then draw my own conclusion from them. My project will meet all of the assessment objectives.
To meet AO1, I have made a GANTT chart to manage my project and help with time management too. I am prepared to change the chart if or when needed. Also, I am keeping a blog ( which will provide evidence of all my project management.
I will meet AO2 by purchasing many books related to my chosen topic. I will also look on the internet for sources and have allocated some time on the GANTT chart for analysing and evaluating said sources. Not all sources will be used, and I will therefore explain why I have chosen to include some sources rather than others in my dissertation. This may be because of reliability, for example.
I have never used a blog before, and so creating one to document my progress in the project will help me meet AO3. I will talk about all my thoughts, problems and decisions on the blog. At the moment, I do not know enough about randomness to have an opinion on it, and so hopefully by the end of the project I will have developed enough to be able to make my own strong argument about it. I will be having regular meetings with my supervisor which will also help me with AO3 as Ms Caroussis will be able to help me decide on my next step in the project. I have already met with a mathematician at Manchester University and hope to talk to many more. This will help me improve my project and evaluate my position in it.
I will meet AO4 by drawing to a conclusion in the dissertation about whether pure randomness exists. My conclusion will evaluate everything that I have learnt throughout the project. I will also be reviewing things during the whole project, for example, the books that I will read. After I have done a task on the GANTT chart, for example, collecting internet sources, I will review them as see how it will fit into my assessment objectives.
My presentation will most likely be interactive with a lot of different arguments about whether random exists. This is so I will be able to get the audience thinking and making their own conclusions about randomness, like my project will help me do.

Shortly after writing this, I realised that I did not include a list of sources. I forgot to do this as I already have a list of sources on this blog already, but for the sake of having everything in one place, here is a list of sources so far that I have found or been recommended:
Chance - Amir Aczel
Chaos - James Gleick
Reckoning with Risk - Gerd Gigerenzer
John Polkinghorne - Quantum Theory: A very Short Introduction
Feynman's Theory
Introduction to random time and quantum randomness- Kai Lai Chung

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