Tuesday 31 August 2010

New GANNT Chart

Since my last post, I haven't managed to get any work done. I feel as though I worked really hard on this project at the beginning of the summer and I'm no longer as motivated as I was before. And the fact that I'm still behind on my GANTT chart is not helping at all:

Here are the problems that I have come across this week (which are the reasons why I have barely made any progress):

I don't know why it is so difficult for me to make progress on reading Chaos. It just seems like such long book with so much context. When I read it, I understand what is being said, however I can't really understand the point that James Gleick is trying to get across. I am only a quarter of the way through the book and this is affecting the rest of my research because I have other books to read. Also, I thought that I would be able to finish reading this book quite quickly but I can't.

I have a list of books that I have not bought yet:

Introduction to random time and quantum randomness - Kai Lai Chung

Quantum Theory: A very Short Introduction - John Polkinghorne

Does God Play Dice? - Ian Stewart

I've realised that I will have to ask for a grant when I school begins. Luckily, the books that I have already managed to buy were no more than £3 each but the cost of the three above books will add up to roughly £35. This will affect my current GANTT chart as I will have to wait until school starts to order the books, and then I will have to wait for the books to actually be delivered to my house. To avoid this, I will search for these books at my local library.

I have not managed to get any opinions yet. I guess I didn't really know where to look; I doubt that important mathematicians will have time to respond to my enquiries. I have realised that the best way to get opinions will be to research different university lecturers (physicians, mathematicians) and email them about my project so I will try to do so this week. I believe that they will be most willing to help me.

I need to begin gathering a large amount of internet sources because at the moment, all my sources are books and although it is good that I have so many books that I will be able to refer to, my research needs to be more varied. So far, my approach towards the internet has been quite half-hearted, so I need to focus on searching and evaluating as many sources as possible.

All in all, I've had an extremely unproductive week. I have decided to update my GANTT chart again. It starts from this week and ends in mid-November. It is much more detailed than the previous GANTT chart and I hope this will allow me to really focus on what needs to be done and not lag behind:

I am going to begin reading Randomness and will come back to Chaos because it is really stopping me from making progress. Hopefully I can get this project back on track now!

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