Thursday 25 November 2010

Enough of reading for now...

I have 4 days to make my presentation, seeing as it is on Monday. I don't really know what I've been doing that has stopped me from already planning it, but that's life, I guess.

I want my presentation to be as interactive as possible. Clarity is extremely important too, as my topic can get a bit complicated and difficult to explain. I am debating whether to make my presentation a summary of my dissertation, or if it should be more about what I have done to get to my presentation. I may try to ask Mr Wright for advice, seeing as I missed the meeting about extended project presentations when I had a uni interview.

VERY rough structure of my presentation and helpful sources to go with it:

Introduction to myself and my project.
Should talk about why this topic interests me, what I wanted to get out of it. Structure of my project?

What is randomness?
"randomness implies a lack of predictability. More formally, in statistics, a random process is a repeating process whose outcomes follow no describable deterministic pattern, but follow a probability distribution."
Breif history about randomness?

How I structured the project
My aims, Blog, GANTT chart etc.

What I've researched? (this will be a big part of my presentation)

Probability, Quantum Theory, Chaos, Random number generators... basically all the different parts of my dissertation. Examples of each of these concepts. Reference to books etc.

What I've learnt?
Conclusion. My personal opinion on randomness after doing this project.

OKAY. I definitely need to get cracking on the presentation now.

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