Wednesday 22 September 2010

Improved structure of my dissertation

After having my supervision with Ms Caroussis, I realised that I need to change my dissertation slightly so that it includes a part on the history of the debate of random and why randomness is important.
My previous structure was:

Introduction: Includes definitions of random and examples of random in everyday life. (approximately 500 words)

Probability: Probability explained and why it implies that random does not exist, and how random events are not as unpredictable as people think. Possible topics to include : reference to Chance by Amir Aczel, gambling, dice throws. (approximately 1000 words)

Short Introduction to Chaos and Quantum Mechanics: Proof to why pure randomness does exist. May also include other topics that I way discover. (approximately 1000 words)

How do some random mechanisms work?: Random number generators and other objects that have been programmed to be "random". (1000 words)

Uncertainty and Unpredictability. How should we cope with random events? How should one go about handling the subject of random? (1000 words)

Conclusion: Do I believe that random really exists? What have I learnt about random by doing this investigation? (500 words)

My new structure will be:

Introduction: Includes definitions of random and examples of random in everyday life. (approximately 500 words)

The history of randomness - why is it important? (approximately 500 words)

Probability: Probability explained and why it implies that random does not exist, and how random events are not as unpredictable as people think. Possible topics to include : reference to Chance by Amir Aczel, gambling, dice throws. (approximately 1000 words)

Short Introduction to Chaos and Quantum Mechanics: Proof to why pure randomness does exist. May also include other topics that I way discover. (approximately 1000 words)

How do some random mechanisms work?: Random number generators and other objects that have been programmed to be "random". (1000 words)

Uncertainty and Unpredictability. How should we cope with random events? How should one go about handling the subject of random? (500 words)

Conclusion: Do I believe that random really exists? What have I learnt about random by doing this investigation? (500 words)

I have reduced the "Uncertainty and Unpredictability" section from 1000 words to 500 words, so that the section about the history of randomness and its important can be included, at 500 words. I chose to cut down that Uncertainty and Unpredictability part because in comparison to he other "chapters", I don't think it is as important.

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