Tuesday 14 September 2010


I had my first supervision with Ms Caroussis since last term. We discussed the work I did over the summer. I feel a lot more confident about my progress now, but I really need to make sure that I dont fall behind on my GANTT chart.
I talked about possibly obtaining a grant and my supervisor told me that I need to write a proposal to Mr Wright. This must include:
Project Brief
Detailed costs
Why I need the money to pay for these things
Why is it important to get the grant for my project

I asked about how large my range of sources should be and so, next supervision, I must bring a detailed, up to date bibliography so we can discuss other sources that I may need. I haven't managed to get opinions from any professionals so my supervisor started up an email with a few maths and physics undergraduates that she knows. I could also talk to physics and maths teachers in the school.
Possible questions that I should ask them:
- Whether they believe that randomness really exists
- Will we ever be able to predict the next number to show on a dice?
- Any book recommendations?

I can't think of any other questions at the moment but I need to come up with more so I can make the most out of having maths and physics related contacts.

During the supervision I thought about other things that I may want to put in my dissertation that I had not thought about before. My supervisor suggested that I wirte a bit about the importance of the topic - why should people be interested in randomness? And also possible a history of the debate of randomness.

The supervision helped me find out more about getting different types of sources to add to my list. I am now confident that my research will become very detailed and varied.

Tasks for this week:
Write up random generators chapter.

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