Saturday 16 October 2010

"Isaac Newton believes that every particle in the Universe should obey simple laws of motion subject to well-defined forces. This mechanistic view - one that was still shared universally by scientists and philosophers more than two centuries later - states that no matter how complex the workings of nature are, everything should be ultimately reducible to interactions between the fundamental building blocks of matter. [...] if we could know the precise position and state of motion of every particle in a given system, no matter how many are involved, then we should be able to predict, through Newton's laws, how these particles will interact and move, and hence how a system will look at any given time in the future. [...]

Of course in practice such determinism is impossible for all but the simplest systems."

This is similar to what I have researched previously; randomness may just be a lack of knowledge. It could be a pattern that is just too complex for us to be able to understand right now.

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