Saturday 16 October 2010

My laptop has been sent off to get fixed and hopefully will be back on Monday. I need it back as soon as possible because although I can blog through my mobile, I haven't been able to finish the "random number generators" section, which is on word. Also, I've just realised that there could be a chance that the people who are fixing the laptop may have to reboot it. If this happens, I will lose a lot of my extended project work such as my GANTT charts. Virtually all of my research and work is in this blog but I need to GANTT charts in excel form, not just a print screen which is what they are in this blog. Anyway, hopefully this isn't going to happen.

I am reading through "Quantum" but Jim Al-Khalili.
"Quantum mechanics is remarkable for two seemingly contradictory reasons. On the one hand, it is so fundamental to our understanding of the workings if our world that it lies at the very heart of moat of the technological advances made in the last half a century. On the other hand, no one seems to know exactly what it means!"

"Quantum mechanics accurately predicts and explains the behaviour of the very building blocks of matter - not just the atoms, but the particles that make up the atoms - with incredible accuracy. It has led us to a very precise and almost complete understanding of how subatomic particles interact with each other and connect up to form the world we see around us, and of which we are of course a part."

Jim Al-Khalili is a physicist and has been studying quantum mechanics for over twenty years. The quotes that I find in this book should therefore be very reliable.

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